Doesn't it seem like summer is abruptly coming to an end? As I was driving to the Dollar General to rent some Redbox movies on Saturday afternoon, I noticed along the country roads the leaves are already starting to take on a subtle red and orange tint. Today, I notice that last weeks' green stalks of corn are turning a harvest gold. Wooly worms were in full force as I was spraying for weeds in the pasture to prepare for planting of alfalfa and red clover before winter hits.
How many of you have heard the old wives tale that you can predict the upcoming winter by looking at the fur of the wooly worms? You know...white means mild, brown means average, and black means we are going to have a doozie. Well, I started off by seeing a couple white wooly worms and I was feeling pretty good about it. Then I uncovered about four or five of the brown ones. Toward the end of my spraying job I had found more black ones than either of the other colors. In interpretation, I think we will start off mild and get gradually worse until we get buried under the blizzard of 2018! Do any of the rest of you follow old wives tales or the Farmer's Almanac? My dad swore by the almanac and my mom swore by the old wives tales. Me? I think I probably go by a little of both!
Enough of that. I absolutely love fall. Fall brings on a myriad of jewel-toned wonder in nature. It brings on crisp dewy mornings that hint of later sunrises and earlier sunsets. Sleeping without the air conditioner at night so as to let the fresh air drift in through the billowy curtains at my bedroom window. Pumpkins, apples, nuts, witches, scarecrows, sunflowers, Halloween. High school football and bonfires. A time to get the garden leveled, the flower beds mulched, fill the barn with hay and straw for the animals and stock up on wood for the wood stove. I think if I had to live in any one season, fall would be it!
The canning of all the garden stuff is almost complete save for a few more beets, a few pumpkins and maybe one more batch of tomatoes for spaghetti sauce. Oh, let's not forget the potatoes that are patiently waiting to get dug up out of the ground!
You know what that means? It means I have more time for writing! More time for doing some crafts! More time for reading and baking and snuggling in on a Saturday night to watch a movie or two. It means it's about time for those Hallmark holiday shows that my youngest offspring makes fun of me for recording on the DVR. Hey, at least when the satellite signal goes out you have something cheerful to watch on the television. Right?
Okay, I have to get back to working on my latest manuscript...Saved by Luke...which will be releasing on September 12th. Watch for an excerpt in my next blog entry and an exclusive opportunity to get a boxed set of one of my series...
Have a great Labor Day weekend and I'll be back next week!
How many of you have heard the old wives tale that you can predict the upcoming winter by looking at the fur of the wooly worms? You know...white means mild, brown means average, and black means we are going to have a doozie. Well, I started off by seeing a couple white wooly worms and I was feeling pretty good about it. Then I uncovered about four or five of the brown ones. Toward the end of my spraying job I had found more black ones than either of the other colors. In interpretation, I think we will start off mild and get gradually worse until we get buried under the blizzard of 2018! Do any of the rest of you follow old wives tales or the Farmer's Almanac? My dad swore by the almanac and my mom swore by the old wives tales. Me? I think I probably go by a little of both!
Enough of that. I absolutely love fall. Fall brings on a myriad of jewel-toned wonder in nature. It brings on crisp dewy mornings that hint of later sunrises and earlier sunsets. Sleeping without the air conditioner at night so as to let the fresh air drift in through the billowy curtains at my bedroom window. Pumpkins, apples, nuts, witches, scarecrows, sunflowers, Halloween. High school football and bonfires. A time to get the garden leveled, the flower beds mulched, fill the barn with hay and straw for the animals and stock up on wood for the wood stove. I think if I had to live in any one season, fall would be it!
The canning of all the garden stuff is almost complete save for a few more beets, a few pumpkins and maybe one more batch of tomatoes for spaghetti sauce. Oh, let's not forget the potatoes that are patiently waiting to get dug up out of the ground!
You know what that means? It means I have more time for writing! More time for doing some crafts! More time for reading and baking and snuggling in on a Saturday night to watch a movie or two. It means it's about time for those Hallmark holiday shows that my youngest offspring makes fun of me for recording on the DVR. Hey, at least when the satellite signal goes out you have something cheerful to watch on the television. Right?
Okay, I have to get back to working on my latest manuscript...Saved by Luke...which will be releasing on September 12th. Watch for an excerpt in my next blog entry and an exclusive opportunity to get a boxed set of one of my series...
Have a great Labor Day weekend and I'll be back next week!