Good grief...has it really been since May that I've had time to sit down and rattle off in my blog? In all fairness to myself, I have been pretty darned busy! I started a new job in the middle of May, then moved on to my annual trip to Wild Deadwood Reads in June, then it was time to try to fit in some barefoot gardening and on to opening up the lake place. Oh, not to mention, finishing my newest release Third Time Lucky which will hit your favorite eBook retailers in the next few days.
Time to sit down and take a breath and bring you all up to date. I have booked another year at Wild Deadwood Reads for next June and am going to be staying in a HAUNTED BROTHEL with a group of other authors. Speaking of haunted, I had a couple haunting experiences in Deadwood this year. While taking the Twisted History Tour one evening, I was joined in the alley by a young woman in a flowing white gown. No, I'm not imagining it because my traveling companion heard a girl's voice singing at about the same time. Then, while on my second tour of the historic Fairmont Hotel, I had a warm hug from what I sensed was an older woman. So, it seems fitting that I jump in with both feet next year and see what sleeping in a haunted brothel has to offer in the way of spirit visitors. This year, I also made a trip to the Full Throttle Saloon for a shot and a drink. If you ever get the chance to go there, I highly recommend it! And of course, I did my annual trail ride at Andy's Trail Rides with a group of wonderful folks. The day was beautiful and the company extraordinary.
Upon my return, I managed to get some gardening done. Unfortunately, we have had tons of rain here in Indiana and of the things I planted, I now have only 6 tomato plants, 4 cabbages, 3 green beans, 4 peppers and 5 hills of cucumbers. Harvest this year is going to be rather skimpy but there is always next year. Right? And I do still have some beets, carrots, sauerkraut, green beans and tomato sauce from last year's haul.
I think I mentioned I went on the Keto diet some time back in one of my other blogs. Well, that has fallen by the wayside but I'm getting back on track this week. It's rather hard to stay on Keto when you like to day drink at the lake on the weekend, right?
Speaking of the lake, I have gotten to spend three weekends up there and enjoyed Independence Day weekend with my beautiful daughter and granddaughter and my amazing chef of a son-in-law. The weather was beautiful except for a short period of time on Saturday afternoon when it rained and I took the opportunity to work on Third Time Lucky.
Third Time Lucky has really kicked my butt! Originally, it was supposed to have released at the beginning of July but I had to push it out to this coming weekend. It's a romance with three separate stories...the first part takes place in Colonial Virginia with Thomas and Maggie who are married to other people but manage to fall in love and have a heated affair, not necessarily in that order...the second part takes place in the Dakota Territories where Hawk and Honor experience a tragic young love...then the third part takes place in the Modern Day Midwest with Jake and Maggie who are met with betrayal and redemption. There's something for everyone...some erotic sex in part one...tender young adult romance in part two...and a later in life second chance romance in part three. Keep an eye on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/TeresaAKeefer for the buy links.
Geez...what else can I tell you? I have acquired a weather hound who hides in the dryer or the closet during storms (or fireworks)...her name is Kate and she's a beautiful Redbone Coon Hound that I just love to pieces...and even Oscar has become fond of her...too fond if you catch my drift. I have to say, it made for an interesting night when she went into heat...one 5# neutered dog raring to go a round with an 80# female who had no idea what he was trying to do...nothing like an evening of explaining to the 5# dog that he didn't have the equipment to do his thing and would need a ladder of sorts to reach the target even if he did have the equipment. Sigh.
I also got to go to my first concert in a long time when my cousin asked me to tag along with her to see Alice Cooper at the Honeywell Center. Great show and to be honest, it was the 4th time I had seen him and it was a little different this time. No less dramatics though!
So, you may ask what I have going on in the near future...well...I'm going to be at Indies in Indy on September 14th and am going to have a couple amazing giveaways at my table. I picked up some book boyfriend shirts with my logo from Good Human who was also responsible for my awesome banner at Deadwood. You should check them out on Facebook...they have some fantastic designs and will do custom work as well for a very reasonable price! That's GOOD HUMAN on Facebook! I will also be working with a group of amazing authors on an anthology to benefit homeless veterans that is set to release in November and the next book of my Magick collection will wrap up my year around the holiday season with The Magick Quilt (in honor of my travel companion to Deadwood this year and an aspiring author herself). Other than that, I'm gearing up for 2020 and will release some of my book signing dates as my plans are finalized. I'm looking at a couple new locations for 2020 in addition to Deadwood.
Okay...six o'clock in the morning comes rather quickly, so I'm going to wrap it up for tonight. Have a wonderful remainder of the summer and stay tuned...I promise not to make you wait so long for a blog entry next time!