Isn't this a beautiful sunrise?! I've seen a lot of sunrises, but on this particular morning this one coincided with "Outskirts of Heaven" on the radio. Synchronicity at its best.
What better way to head to work than with a beautiful sunrise and a beautiful song on a spring morning?
So far, spring has sprung with a lot of activity for me. It started back in February when I attended the Intensive Clairvoyance weekend workshop at the peaceful Camp Chesterfield. What a wonderful group of people I met that weekend! I then returned to the camp in March for a class in meditation and another one about healing addictive behaviors and am planning for another trip in May to learn about life after death and chakras.
Spring cleaning has been underway for several weeks here at home. I'm tackling it a room at a time but for some reason, when I get finished with the next room the first one is in need of attention again. I can't figure out how one person living alone cannot keep a house spic and span without so much effort! Maybe because my roommates...Oscar, Whiskey, Halo and No-Name don't pick up after themselves and seem to leave a trail of hair every where they go! Sigh. I wouldn't trade those fur babies for a million bucks!
Speaking of fur babies, my little goat Fienna crossed the rainbow bridge a few weeks ago. Her brother, Thor, has been acting out of character ever since. He slept on the back porch the first night, tried to climb in the window when I was trying to leave for work, followed me down the driveway like a dog and the ultimate...climbed in the back of the Jeep when I was trying to unload groceries. He's a lonely little fella and tends to try to play with anything that moves. Oh...and he looks in my bedroom window some mornings. He's quite the character and I'm sure Pops the mini horse is losing patience with him...so it appears I am going to have to go find him a sister to adopt real soon. I don't think I can handle another call from the lovely elderly neighbor lady that he's found his way over there and climbed in their car! Eeeeekkkk!
In March, I released the third book of my Possum Creek series...Home Stretch...and re-released the first two books. I love the new covers...designed by Jeana Mann...another great author! If you haven't had a chance to check out my Possum Creek books and you like hometown romances...you can actually get the first book--Coming Home--for only 99 cents!
With those releases out of the way, I'm working on the revision of the first book of my Summers Sisters trilogy and have some more awesome covers designed by Jeana all ready to go! With a little luck and a lot of writing ahead of me, I hope to have all three out by the beginning of June. Check back here on my blog for updates on the release dates and a glimpse at the beautiful covers.
I'm really looking forward to summer and my visit to Deadwood, SD for Wild Deadwood Reads. My airfare is purchased, my rental car and room reserved. I'm flying into Denver and taking the scenic route to Deadwood so I can take a lot of pictures and make a lot of new memories since it will be my first trip out west except for the trips I've taken to Las Vegas. I'm looking forward to attending a rodeo, horseback riding in the Black Hills, visiting Mount Rushmore, and checking out all the historical sites in Deadwood. Possibly get some ideas for a historical romance later in the year.
Another project in the works is the fixer upper I bought at Yellow Creek Lake. Got one heck of a deal and a whole lot of work! Despite the interior condition of the little retro 60s mobile home, I have a vision. With the help of my beautiful daughter and her awesome contractor husband, we should be able to hang out at the lake by Memorial Day Weekend. Of course, only after my writer's retreat in Brown County, IN with my awesome writer buds!
Well...as much as I could ramble on all night...I really need to grab my pajamas and try to get some sleep. I have a busy weekend ahead! I hope you all have a wonderful Easter holiday and don't eat too many chocolate bunnies...and please...NO PEEPS!
What better way to head to work than with a beautiful sunrise and a beautiful song on a spring morning?
So far, spring has sprung with a lot of activity for me. It started back in February when I attended the Intensive Clairvoyance weekend workshop at the peaceful Camp Chesterfield. What a wonderful group of people I met that weekend! I then returned to the camp in March for a class in meditation and another one about healing addictive behaviors and am planning for another trip in May to learn about life after death and chakras.
Spring cleaning has been underway for several weeks here at home. I'm tackling it a room at a time but for some reason, when I get finished with the next room the first one is in need of attention again. I can't figure out how one person living alone cannot keep a house spic and span without so much effort! Maybe because my roommates...Oscar, Whiskey, Halo and No-Name don't pick up after themselves and seem to leave a trail of hair every where they go! Sigh. I wouldn't trade those fur babies for a million bucks!
Speaking of fur babies, my little goat Fienna crossed the rainbow bridge a few weeks ago. Her brother, Thor, has been acting out of character ever since. He slept on the back porch the first night, tried to climb in the window when I was trying to leave for work, followed me down the driveway like a dog and the ultimate...climbed in the back of the Jeep when I was trying to unload groceries. He's a lonely little fella and tends to try to play with anything that moves. Oh...and he looks in my bedroom window some mornings. He's quite the character and I'm sure Pops the mini horse is losing patience with him...so it appears I am going to have to go find him a sister to adopt real soon. I don't think I can handle another call from the lovely elderly neighbor lady that he's found his way over there and climbed in their car! Eeeeekkkk!
In March, I released the third book of my Possum Creek series...Home Stretch...and re-released the first two books. I love the new covers...designed by Jeana Mann...another great author! If you haven't had a chance to check out my Possum Creek books and you like hometown romances...you can actually get the first book--Coming Home--for only 99 cents!
With those releases out of the way, I'm working on the revision of the first book of my Summers Sisters trilogy and have some more awesome covers designed by Jeana all ready to go! With a little luck and a lot of writing ahead of me, I hope to have all three out by the beginning of June. Check back here on my blog for updates on the release dates and a glimpse at the beautiful covers.
I'm really looking forward to summer and my visit to Deadwood, SD for Wild Deadwood Reads. My airfare is purchased, my rental car and room reserved. I'm flying into Denver and taking the scenic route to Deadwood so I can take a lot of pictures and make a lot of new memories since it will be my first trip out west except for the trips I've taken to Las Vegas. I'm looking forward to attending a rodeo, horseback riding in the Black Hills, visiting Mount Rushmore, and checking out all the historical sites in Deadwood. Possibly get some ideas for a historical romance later in the year.
Another project in the works is the fixer upper I bought at Yellow Creek Lake. Got one heck of a deal and a whole lot of work! Despite the interior condition of the little retro 60s mobile home, I have a vision. With the help of my beautiful daughter and her awesome contractor husband, we should be able to hang out at the lake by Memorial Day Weekend. Of course, only after my writer's retreat in Brown County, IN with my awesome writer buds!
Well...as much as I could ramble on all night...I really need to grab my pajamas and try to get some sleep. I have a busy weekend ahead! I hope you all have a wonderful Easter holiday and don't eat too many chocolate bunnies...and please...NO PEEPS!