Today as I was driving to my bill-paying job, I was at a slow simmer due to a couple of below the belt hits I took on Twitter. Then it struck me. How dare someone insinuate I’m a bad author or imbecile merely because I have an opinion? How dare they say I’m killing my writing career because I don’t agree with other peoples’ opinions? Come on, just because we are authors doesn’t mean we aren’t individuals. We don’t all fit into the same tidy box that everyone seems to think we do. Just because we speak out about the things that are important to us doesn’t mean our books aren’t worth reading.
Let me give you a prime example. I love reading Stephen King and Anne Rice. I have a collection of their books in my library because I enjoy their work. However, their political opinions and outspoken criticism and downright ugliness toward our President stick in my craw. Because I happen to be proud of our President and all he has done to keep our country the greatest in the world. I’m not going to go out and burn my collection or donate it to Goodwill and I’m not going to stop buying their books just because I disagree with their comments. They are wonderful authors and they are entitled to their opinion just like I am. It doesn’t make them shitty authors or shitty people. It makes them uniquely THEM. Just like I’m uniquely ME.
The unique me is a pretty laid-back individual with some strong opinions about several topics. I won’t go into those topics but I do want to tell you a little bit about myself and hope that along the way I pick up some friends and readers that share some of the same interests other than romance novels.
I enjoy gardening along with growing and canning my own food. I also try to only purchase organic foods. My cousin and I went to a presentation by Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser and after that event, I walked out thinking to myself…now why in the world would I want to put growth hormones, GMOs, antibiotics, and other chemicals in my body? I don’t! So, when I garden I use only seeds guaranteed to be non-GMO. When I buy meat it has to be grass fed without hormones or antibiotics. What the heck? Is the FDA trying to kill us all off or what?
I’m a Spiritualist studying at the Historic Camp Chesterfield where I have met some very like-minded friends as well as friends who don’t necessarily have the same opinions as me. But I still love them for who they are. I believe in one Creator or Source or Alpha…whatever you want to call Him or Her…and I believe everyone goes to Heaven or the Spirit World when their souls are no longer part of their human bodies. I believe the only evil which exists lie in the hearts of humans who have little regard for their fellow person. And as hard as I try not to dislike anyone, there are a few certain people I wish would go crawl back into the hole they crawled out of. I’m working on that. Not putting them in a hole but trying to understand that sometimes there are people of the female persuasion who are just greedy gold-diggers who try to use other people for what they have rather than loving them for who they are. And that’s going to be their karma someday.
I’m proud to be a mother and a grandmother and I have some of the most amazing family. I love the individuality of my three daughters because it’s like having the best part of myself in each of them with the even better parts of their own personalities. My grandchildren are each precious in their own way and I feel blessed to have been able to move back close to them when I was downsized from my high-paying job during the economic crisis. My only regret is not having enough time to do all the things that a lot of grandparents get to do because I work a full-time job, write full-time, and I have my gardening, studying, and a home to take care of. But my heart is with them everywhere they go and through everything they do. I just hope they know that.
I believe in earning everything myself and doing as much for myself as possible. My father taught me to be independent and I am able to do basic wiring, carpentry, and plumbing, change brake pads or oil in my car…but sometimes I like to play the damsel in distress and let someone else do it for me. Seriously, I love being a woman even when it means being strongly and fearlessly feminine. But I’m not a feminist. I truly feel there are some things women do better than men and things men do better than women. We should embrace that men and women aren’t equal in everything. It’s called being unique. I love cooking for that special person…or doing things to lighten the load on their plate...that's not subservience, that's treating someone the way they should be and showing them they are cared about. And I don't mind working side by side with a man either. As long as they do the heavy work and don’t shout orders too loud. Just kidding.
That’s just a little about me…it looks like Part 2 this story might be in order next week because I’m running out of time here. Or, if you want to know more about me and can’t wait until the next blog post you can always email me at [email protected]
I look forward to chatting again soon!
Let me give you a prime example. I love reading Stephen King and Anne Rice. I have a collection of their books in my library because I enjoy their work. However, their political opinions and outspoken criticism and downright ugliness toward our President stick in my craw. Because I happen to be proud of our President and all he has done to keep our country the greatest in the world. I’m not going to go out and burn my collection or donate it to Goodwill and I’m not going to stop buying their books just because I disagree with their comments. They are wonderful authors and they are entitled to their opinion just like I am. It doesn’t make them shitty authors or shitty people. It makes them uniquely THEM. Just like I’m uniquely ME.
The unique me is a pretty laid-back individual with some strong opinions about several topics. I won’t go into those topics but I do want to tell you a little bit about myself and hope that along the way I pick up some friends and readers that share some of the same interests other than romance novels.
I enjoy gardening along with growing and canning my own food. I also try to only purchase organic foods. My cousin and I went to a presentation by Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser and after that event, I walked out thinking to myself…now why in the world would I want to put growth hormones, GMOs, antibiotics, and other chemicals in my body? I don’t! So, when I garden I use only seeds guaranteed to be non-GMO. When I buy meat it has to be grass fed without hormones or antibiotics. What the heck? Is the FDA trying to kill us all off or what?
I’m a Spiritualist studying at the Historic Camp Chesterfield where I have met some very like-minded friends as well as friends who don’t necessarily have the same opinions as me. But I still love them for who they are. I believe in one Creator or Source or Alpha…whatever you want to call Him or Her…and I believe everyone goes to Heaven or the Spirit World when their souls are no longer part of their human bodies. I believe the only evil which exists lie in the hearts of humans who have little regard for their fellow person. And as hard as I try not to dislike anyone, there are a few certain people I wish would go crawl back into the hole they crawled out of. I’m working on that. Not putting them in a hole but trying to understand that sometimes there are people of the female persuasion who are just greedy gold-diggers who try to use other people for what they have rather than loving them for who they are. And that’s going to be their karma someday.
I’m proud to be a mother and a grandmother and I have some of the most amazing family. I love the individuality of my three daughters because it’s like having the best part of myself in each of them with the even better parts of their own personalities. My grandchildren are each precious in their own way and I feel blessed to have been able to move back close to them when I was downsized from my high-paying job during the economic crisis. My only regret is not having enough time to do all the things that a lot of grandparents get to do because I work a full-time job, write full-time, and I have my gardening, studying, and a home to take care of. But my heart is with them everywhere they go and through everything they do. I just hope they know that.
I believe in earning everything myself and doing as much for myself as possible. My father taught me to be independent and I am able to do basic wiring, carpentry, and plumbing, change brake pads or oil in my car…but sometimes I like to play the damsel in distress and let someone else do it for me. Seriously, I love being a woman even when it means being strongly and fearlessly feminine. But I’m not a feminist. I truly feel there are some things women do better than men and things men do better than women. We should embrace that men and women aren’t equal in everything. It’s called being unique. I love cooking for that special person…or doing things to lighten the load on their plate...that's not subservience, that's treating someone the way they should be and showing them they are cared about. And I don't mind working side by side with a man either. As long as they do the heavy work and don’t shout orders too loud. Just kidding.
That’s just a little about me…it looks like Part 2 this story might be in order next week because I’m running out of time here. Or, if you want to know more about me and can’t wait until the next blog post you can always email me at [email protected]
I look forward to chatting again soon!