Tell me what makes Maurice Vandiver “tick” as an author or a person or both:
My grandbaby and my daughter and two sons. Trying to leave a foundation for them.
If you could go anywhere in the world to live, where would you go and why? Describe your residence once you get there:
Maybe Florida. I like the sun and the atmosphere.
Do you have a muse or a person who inspires you to write? Tell us about them:
Robert Green and James Allen who wrote From Poverty to Power. After reading that book, I was inspired to write.
Of all the books you have written, tell us about your favorite one and why it was your favorite:
Let’s Go. It’s a motivational book which I wrote from a dark place where I work through how to reach the next level. I wanted to inspire others to believe in themselves and move on to a higher level.
What book are you working on right now? Do you have a release date you can share with us?
I’m currently working on Part 2 of the Bankroll Boys. I don’t have a release date yet because I want to make sure the 2nd book lives up to the hype.
Other than writing, what else are you passionate about?
Learning how to invest my money. Want to be able to leave something behind for my children. Learning about real-estate and have been detailing cars to add to what I can invest.
What have you found to be the most difficult part of being an author?
Writer’s block.
We want to come visit your library. What books might we find on your shelves that we wouldn’t expect to find?
Poverty to Power, 48 Laws of Power, The Bible
If money were no object, what philanthropic contributions would you make and why?
Build houses and schools all over the world.
Tell us about your most memorable moment as an author:
When I sold 25 copies of my first book.
Do you consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert? Why?
About half and half. Sometimes I like to get out and party and other times just stay in the house and write or read.
You’ve got a whole weekend to do whatever you want to do, how are you going to spend it?
Probably sleeping, cooking some nice meals. Loves jazz and smooth music.
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give a younger version of yourself?
Don’t fall into the peer pressure. Believe in yourself and who you are. Accept who you are and don’t try to be someone you aren’t.
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