My first love is my family followed closely by a small circle of friends. Then comes my home which I share with a spoiled little dog named Oscar who has a personality all of his own, two unique cats, a miniature horse that is closer to being an ass, and all of the wild critters that frequently wander up in my yard.
I enjoy gardening and cooking which sort of go hand in hand if you think about it, especially since I went organic about a year ago when I saw the vibrant Jillian Michaels speak at a nearby venue with my cousin.
Crafting and decorating and searching out just the right primitive piece for my house is another one of my interests, when I have the time for it.
I also have a day job as a human resource professional, a career I embarked upon a long time ago and have enjoyed for over 20 years.
My life goal is to someday have a nice little cabin, tucked away from civilization on about 40 acres where I can garden, raise pets and write to my heart's content.