Tell me what makes Jen Davis “tick” as an author or a person or both:
As a person, I am blessed with an amazing husband and kids—plus a day job I really enjoy. As an author, I love creating the kind of characters I seek out as a reader, usually damaged people with an arc where they learn to value themselves through the eyes of someone who loves them.
If you could go anywhere in the world to live, where would you go and why? Describe your residence once you get there:
If I could live anywhere, I’d probably return home to New Orleans. We’ve moved a lot with my job, but NOLA will always be home for us. There is nowhere else like it.
Of all the books you have written, tell us about your favorite one and why it was your favorite:
I think I will always have a soft spot for Brick. I know authors like to say their current WIP is their favorite, but I love a good anti-hero. Brick does some terrible things, but he does them because he feels he has no choice. When he allows himself to connect with someone and to love, his entire world changes.
What book are you working on right now? Do you have a release date you can share with us?
I am working on final edits for Robby, book 3 in the Cooper Construction series. It’s my first m/m book. (The other two in the series are m/f.) It releases July 2.
Other than writing, what else are you passionate about?
I care deeply about social justice and what is happening in the world around us.
What have you found to be the most difficult part of being an author?
Finding time! With a full time job and two kids, I am in awe of authors who can write every day. That, and marketing. I never would have believed how much time and effort marketing takes. No matter how good your book is, without marketing, no one would ever know it even exists.
We want to come visit your library. What books might we find on your shelves that we wouldn’t expect to find?
Ha! I am so predictable. All my books are romances.
Do you consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert? Why?
Extrovert—all the way! I love to talk. There is not a drop of shyness within me.
You’ve got a whole weekend to do whatever you want to do, how are you going to spend it?
Read! And write.
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give a younger version of yourself?
You can’t strong arm people into your point of view.
The sky is the limit…tell us anything else you would like to tell us…
I’m a writer, but at the end of the day, I’m a reader—just like you. I believe in true love and happy endings where the good guys win and the villains get what they deserve.
Where can readers find you? Please list your social media, website, and other links you’d like to share below:
As a person, I am blessed with an amazing husband and kids—plus a day job I really enjoy. As an author, I love creating the kind of characters I seek out as a reader, usually damaged people with an arc where they learn to value themselves through the eyes of someone who loves them.
If you could go anywhere in the world to live, where would you go and why? Describe your residence once you get there:
If I could live anywhere, I’d probably return home to New Orleans. We’ve moved a lot with my job, but NOLA will always be home for us. There is nowhere else like it.
Of all the books you have written, tell us about your favorite one and why it was your favorite:
I think I will always have a soft spot for Brick. I know authors like to say their current WIP is their favorite, but I love a good anti-hero. Brick does some terrible things, but he does them because he feels he has no choice. When he allows himself to connect with someone and to love, his entire world changes.
What book are you working on right now? Do you have a release date you can share with us?
I am working on final edits for Robby, book 3 in the Cooper Construction series. It’s my first m/m book. (The other two in the series are m/f.) It releases July 2.
Other than writing, what else are you passionate about?
I care deeply about social justice and what is happening in the world around us.
What have you found to be the most difficult part of being an author?
Finding time! With a full time job and two kids, I am in awe of authors who can write every day. That, and marketing. I never would have believed how much time and effort marketing takes. No matter how good your book is, without marketing, no one would ever know it even exists.
We want to come visit your library. What books might we find on your shelves that we wouldn’t expect to find?
Ha! I am so predictable. All my books are romances.
Do you consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert? Why?
Extrovert—all the way! I love to talk. There is not a drop of shyness within me.
You’ve got a whole weekend to do whatever you want to do, how are you going to spend it?
Read! And write.
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give a younger version of yourself?
You can’t strong arm people into your point of view.
The sky is the limit…tell us anything else you would like to tell us…
I’m a writer, but at the end of the day, I’m a reader—just like you. I believe in true love and happy endings where the good guys win and the villains get what they deserve.
Where can readers find you? Please list your social media, website, and other links you’d like to share below: